Data Anotation

Outsource Data Annotation Services

Train your AI/ML models with accurate and well-structured datasets at cost-effective prices

We provide fully managed data labeling services

AI-enabled applications and machine learning models need massive amounts of labeled data to function effectively. Turning unstructured data into well-configured, meaningful, and organized data requires an optimal balance of resources and skills.

Our annotation team addresses the problem by creating accurate, high-quality training data. We use state-of-the-art labeling tools to convert unstructured, raw data into meaningful datasets to assist machine learning models in identifying, tracking, and classifying objects of interest.

Our annotations find applications across diverse industry verticals, including eCommerce, finance, automotive, logistics, and healthcare.

Our data annotation service offerings

We scale your AI/ML models by combining human intelligence and automation with 360-degree data annotation and labeling solutions.

Image annotation services Image annotation services

Our data annotation company uses advanced tools to precisely collect and annotate data from various image sources. Irrespective of the image format, form, size, and type, our data annotation experts deliver accurate and high-quality datasets to train your computer vision models effectively. Here are the techniques we use for image annotation.

  • 2D and 3D bounding boxes
  • Polygon annotation
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Lidar annotation
  • Keypoint annotation
  • Polyline annotation
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Video annotation services Video annotation services

We create datasets that assist AI/ML models in recognizing, tracking, and classifying moving objects in a video by annotating each object frame-by-frame. Our data annotation team creates precise and comprehensive labels in accordance with the stated requirements to ensure contextually accurate tagging. Here are the techniques we use for video annotation.

  • Bounding box
  • Polygon annotation
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Keypoint annotation
  • Line & polyline annotation
  • Video classification
  • Skeletal video annotation
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Text annotation services Text annotation services

Our data annotators employ sophisticated techniques and methodologies to collect, annotate, and evaluate text data for NLP models. You can leverage our training data to enhance and amplify the performance of your chatbots, machine translation algorithms, and other AI models. Here are the techniques we use for text annotation.

  • Text categorization
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Intent annotation
  • Phrase chunking
  • Entity linking
  • Named-entity recognition
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Success Stories

Annotate live streams for improved traffic management

The client (a UK-based data analytics company) approached us for pre-recorded and live stream data annotation for a road planning and traffic management solution. We analyzed the requirements closely and assigned a fairly large team to annotate videos of moving vehicles under different exposures and frames. The resultant dataset was tested for quality and accuracy and delivered on time. It helped the client's solution predict traffic-related issues like congestion, accidents, road planning, and lane movement.

Experienced resource

Subject matter experts for diverse requirements

We have a team of subject matter experts with working experience and an educational background across various industry verticals. This versatile team structure ensures highly accurate outcomes and contextual precision in our data annotation services.

Additionally, it allows us to execute the entire project successfully.

Client's speak

The team was attentive to our needs and requirements throughout. Highly recommend!

SunTec Data delivered exceptional video annotation services well within the deadline. The team was attentive to our needs and requirements throughout. Highly recommend!

Joana Smith, Director of Business Development, USA
Featured Industries

Domain-specific use cases of our data annotation services

Self driving vehicles Industry

Autonomous vehicles

Self-driving vehicles rely on machine learning models to detect lanes, signals, pedestrians, and other objects in an image or video. Annotation trains and feeds the operating algorithms for such machines with structured data for effective functioning.

Facial recognition industry

Facial recognition software

Machines can easily use annotated data to identify facial features and markers. It helps tech companies to enhance the security of their smartphones, laptops, computers, and other gadgets by integrating face unlock.

Healthcare industry


Annotated and labeled MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, and other critical reports assist medical AI-based software in diagnosing diseases and suggest treatments.

ecommerce industry

eCommerce & retail

eStore owners can use annotated data to build solutions that can automatically classify, categorize, and track products, smoothen the checkout process, manage inventory, and integrate visual search.

Agriculture industry


Data annotation for AI-based models in agriculture can unveil innovative and improved ways of cultivation and farming, such as weed or disease detection in crops, livestock management, seed selection, and crop growth monitoring.

Logistic industry

Logistics & supply chain management

Precisely annotated datasets help train AI models to help simplify operations in the logistics industry, like tracking goods, improving security and inventory, detecting damages, and optimizing routes.

Contact Us

Optimize your AI/ML models with affordable and accurate data annotation services

Drop us an email at to know more about our data labeling services and how our team can add value to your project. You can also request a free quote by briefing us on your requirements.